Folly’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment has been a driving force for much of her life. She has devoted a lot of her time to help bridge the gap in women’s and girls’ rights to education and equality.
Having collaborated with the UN over the years on a number of initiatives to empower women, Folly set up Elle Ira A L’Ecole Foundation Kesso Bah in 2019, to help young girls get an education in her native Guinea. The Foundation fully funds their schooling by paying their fees, transportation, meals, supplies and provides career advice.
Through her foundation, Folly wants to make sure that the young girls she helps have access to good education and get the support they and their families require. This has been a lifelong commitment for the Bah family and the foundation is named after Folly’s sister who passed away in 2014; and whose passion to help girls and women was unparalleled.
“Folly Bah Thibault is a visionary journalist and humanitarian. As one of the world’s leading advocates for education, we are delighted to announce her as our new Education Cannot Wait Global Champion. With champions like Folly, we continue to build a global movement to ensure children affected by armed conflict, climate change, forced displacement can access the safety, hope and opportunity that only a quality education can provide,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait.
“It is truly an honour for me to have been selected as an Education Cannot Wait Global Champion. I’ve spent many years advocating and fighting for the welfare and education of children around the world – especially in Africa. I truly believe education is the only way we can build a sustainable and rewarding future for millions of children who would otherwise be left behind. I strongly believe my new role as Education Cannot Wait Global Champion will allow me to continue that work and reach even more children who need and deserve to have access to quality education,” said Thibault.